Postdoctoral Fellow Opening

We are thrilled to announce that we will be hiring for a postdoctoral fellow for the 2024-2025 year. If you are interested, please see our listing on APPIC, and feel free to reach out to any one of us to discuss the position further. The details are below:


Maryland OCD & Anxiety Therapy (MOAT) is a private practice operating out of central Maryland, serving clients in the mid-Atlantic (Maryland, DC, and Virginia). We also have PsyPACT permission to treat clients via telehealth in other jurisdictions. We are a three person clinic focusing on treating people 13 and up with anxiety and OCD-related diagnoses with a focus on exposure-based therapies. We also help sufferers with body focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) overcome compulsive hair pulling and skin picking.

MOAT also provides psychodiagnostic assessments to individuals requesting clarification on diagnostic profiles.

MOAT is comprised of:

Kevin Young, Ph.D.

Michael Lent, Ph.D.

David Yood, Psy.D.


Provide individual therapy to adolescents and adults (the breakdown of the ages treated can be mutually negotiated depending on the applicant’s interests). If interested, there may be occasional opportunities to conduct and receive training on cognitive, personality, and/or psychodiagnostic assessments. You would be expected to provide a minimum 20 hours per week of client facing services. The remainder of time will be for receiving individual supervision, administrative paperwork (e.g., note writing), managing intake screenings as a part of a rotation with the other practitioners, and receiving didactic instruction. Additionally, there may be some opportunities to participate in speaking engagements or community outreach.

Currently MOAT provides telehealth only. However, we intend to explore renting part time office space in 2024, so we expect this position will provide a hybrid of in-person and telehealth services.

Individual supervision and didactic instruction will be provided by all three psychologists as a part of a comprehensive experience designed to provide access to a diversity of clinical approaches and styles (exposure, ACT, DBT, FAP, etc) within a third wave cognitive behavioral theoretical framework. Case loads will be divided between the supervisors.

If the interest is mutual, the position may graduate to full time employment at its completion.

As we are a burgeoning private practice, there may be opportunities to receive coaching on the business side of running a mental health practice if you have an interest in starting your own someday.


Fellows will earn $65,000, which includes a $5000 stipend wrapped into the salary for the fellow to purchase health insurance on the individual market if needed (the stipend is available to all regardless of insurance needs). Additionally, MOAT offers an optional 3% match on a simple IRA retirement account, and four weeks combined sick and PTO.

Please submit to a cover letter, CV, and two references that include written letters of recommendation. Prior experience with treating people using exposure for OCD and anxiety is preferred. Please indicate on your cover letter if you are interested in the occasional opportunity to participate in the assessment part of the practice.