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At Maryland OCD and Anxiety Therapy, we specialize in the treatment of OCD, Anxiety Disorders, and Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders (such as Hair-Pulling and Skin-Picking Disorders). We work with teens and adults, offering services in several formats, including:

Individual Treatment

One-on-one therapy provided at a clinically indicated pace, typically once a week in 45 or 60 minute sessions.

Accelerated Treatment

More intensive outpatient therapy, provided several times a week. Accelerated treatment often involves longer session times and may involve both of our therapists. This option is recommended for individuals with more severe symptoms and for those who are motivated to engage in treatment at a more rigorous pace. Accelerated treatment is time-limited, and the frequency/length of sessions and duration of accelerated treatment will be determined on a case-by-case basis. After the accelerated treatment period, clients will be stepped down to standard weekly sessions or graduated from therapy, depending on clinical needs.

Parent and Family Consultation

Clinically-informed discussions and guidance offered to parents and family members of those with OCD or anxiety disorders. Parent and family consultation meetings typically focus on providing information and creating action plans for how family can best support their loved one’s progress through treatment.

Telehealth Meetings

Meetings which take place through a secure video chat platform. Individual treatment, accelerated treatment, and parent and family consultation services are all offered in telehealth format. Learn more about our Telehealth services here.

Psychodiagnosic Assessment

Services which generate a report designed to answer specific referral questions, provide diagnostic clarification regarding psychological disorders, or serve as formal documentation of psychological diagnoses and relevant clinical recommendations. Learn more about our Psychodiagnostic Assessment services here.

Have questions about our services? Please feel free to contact us by clicking the button below.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychological disorder that impacts people of all ages, and that occurs when a person becomes stuck in a stressful and exhausting cycle of obsessions and compulsions. While most typically associated with anxiety, OCD can also involve excessive disgust, guilt, jealousy, or other emotions.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders all share a unifying theme of experiencing intense anxiety that affects behaviors and thoughts. Anxiety Disorders are typically categorized based on the situation(s) that the anxiety occurs in and the primary types of symptoms experienced. It is possible to have multiple Anxiety Disorder diagnoses, or symptoms from several disorders without meeting diagnostic criteria for more than one.

Hair-Pulling / Skin-Picking Disorders

Hair-Pulling and Skin-Picking Disorders are two types of Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs). BFRBs are a set of excessive self-grooming behaviors that people engage in, such as repetitively pulling, picking, scraping, or biting their hair, skin, or nails. These behaviors result in damage to the body (e.g., hair loss, scabs, or scarring) and disrupt an individual’s life. BFRBs vary greatly in severity, frequency, and location on the body. Without treatment, BFRBs tend to be chronic conditions that may come and go throughout a lifetime.

Exposure-Based Therapies

Exposure-based therapies are a specialized set of interventions that have roots in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Examples include Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and Prolonged Exposure (PE), among others. The core concept of exposure-based therapies is that we can decrease our distress and increase our distress tolerance through facing our fears. This is done in a controlled and purposeful manner. Through approaching and staying in the situations that trigger anxiety, we learn that we can tolerate the situation and the emotions that we experience.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a theory and set of interventions designed to help you live in the present moment, focus on your values, and learn new ways of relating to your painful thoughts and emotions.